Historic Preservation Commission

Borough ordinance requires property owners located in the Historic District to obtain a "Certificate of Appropriateness" from the Planning Board before making exterior changes to the buildings, structures or sites. Property owners should submit an application to the Zoning & Construction Office, Rm. 104 in Borough Hall, to begin the review process, which includes a design review by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) and then final approval from the Planning Board. 

The Historic Preservation Commission is a seven-member board (five voting, two alternates) composed of laypeople and professionals who are knowledgeable about historic preservation and building repairs. Their responsibilities are to advise the Planning Board and Zoning Board on development applications, advise the Planning Board on the inclusion of historic sites, promote historic preservation through advisory, educational and informational functions and provide, upon request, technical assistance to property owners on how to preserve, restore and rehabilitate structures. 

The HPC meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Hall auditorium.

Contact: hpc@haddonfield-nj.gov

Historic Preservation Commission Members:
Paul Schmeck - Chairperson
Cynthia Byers - Vice Chair
Toni Bonnette
David Appleby
Kristen Poliafico
Jeffrey Johnson, Alt. I
Lisa Soderberg, Technical Consultant
Colleen Bianco Bezich, Mayor

Applications, Minutes and Agendas:

2022 HPC Applications, Agendas, & Reports
2021 HPC Applications, Agendas & Reports

2020 HPC Applications, Agendas
 & Reports
2019 HPC Applications, Agendas
 & Reports
2018 HPC Applications, Agendas
 & Reports

2017 HPC Applications, Agendas & Reports
2016 HPC Applications, Agendas & Reports